Standard English School
SCHOOL CODE : shem113
ADDRESS : Jamtailbari Kailashahar Unakoti Tripura 799277
CONTACT : 6009326852
Standard English School is located in Jamtailbari, Chandipur Block, Kailashahar, Unakoti Tripura 799277. It is under Tripura Board, with a team of 18 dedicated and professional faculties, which are here to ensure that the children get the most from their education. 1997 saw Standard English School being launched. This school’s primary medium of instruction is English and the student teacher ratio is 17:1. The school takes pride of its excellent teaching methodology. Students from KG-1 to 10 are taught in this school. This school’s student strength is approximately 310. The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too.